Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Survivor 31: Numbers, Loopholes -- Episode 2 Recap/Analysis

After an early divide between Old School and New Collar, Sur-Varner: Cambodia continues to heat up and today we're back to break down all of the latest SPENCER CRIED ON TV. Did Shirin play her way out of the game or was Jeff just itching to make his mark?  Is anyone even filming Monica and Kimmi? Which early heroes are legitimate winner candidates and which are fool's gold? And with the swap looming, who might be poised to rally from the bottom or fall from the top? As always you can listen on the player below, here, or on iTunes here.

Episode 2
Episode 1
Season Preview

1 comment:

  1. Great episode this week as always.

    Although towards the end, Dom, you say that Kimmi didn't have any material in not only the opening 12 but in the entirety of the first two episodes which isn't true.

    She actually had one of the best confessionals of the opening 12 and a second confessional later in the premiere. I think putting her on the same level as Monica is a mistake and that she'll actually be around for awhile.


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