Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Survivor 35: Merge Recap/Analysis with Austin Trupp and Casual Anna

With Dom out looking for new ways to avoid England, Colin is joined by Survivor: Maryland creator Austin Trupp to break down the merge dynamics and talk through each player's story thus far. Plus, another haphazard Edit Zone monologue and a bonus interview with a living/breathing casual fan when you listen below, here, or on iTunes here.

Austin -- 2:04
Anna -- 1:24:30
Edit Zone -- 1:47:45


  1. Devon also knows about Chrissy fake idol remember ryan told Devon first before giving the idol to Chrissy 🙂

    1. That's a good point! I'll be interested to see if we get a Devon/Chrissy scene this week.

  2. Could anyone explain Secret Hitler to me? Is it like Werewolf/Mafia?

    1. Pretty similar to Mafia. Basically, there's a set amount of liberals and fascists (liberals always have a majority) and one Hitler. Liberals don't know anyone's role but their own. Fascists can see who the other fascists are, and who Hitler is. Hitler is a fascist, but can't see who the other fascists are.

      Goal is for each side to pass policies in the form of cards to advance their agenda. Once a side passes 5 cards, they win. It's more complicated than that, but Taran Armstrong has live streams of some of the games.

    2. Oh and every round there's a President, who has to nominate a Chancellor, which is voted on. Those two end up passing the policies, essentially. But after a certain amount of cards, if Hitler is nominated as Chancellor and the vote passes, the Fascists auto-win.


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